Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 19 - HALFWAY there!!

Hooray! I'm halfway done!!! I'm finally feeling somewhat in control on Burn It Up! now! I can finally get through the whole thing without having to just collapse in a heap of sweat and tears on the floor. I still can't do lunges very well, but I am able to complete them. The only place I flat have to stop is during the leg lifts. One cannot work through a butt cramp!

Since I am halfway done, I am going to post some progress pics. You'll have to wait until the water retention of AF leaves, so a couple more days I think. I want to get rid of as much bloat as possible before I even think about posting new pics.

Today is going to be a workout all day long. I have a cart load of laundry to do, a bathroom to scrub, a basement to pickup and a very dirty horse pen to clean this evening. Does picking up 10 billion stuffed animals count as standing crunches? Bend and lift, and bend and lift, and bend and lift.....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 14

Well, AF is finally here. I'm bloated, and I think I need a salt lick. MMMMMM salt. They say exercise is one of the best treatments/preventatives for painful cramps, and as a sufferer of cramps worse than labor, I have to say, so far, it's working. I'm pain free this morning. At least I'm not suffering from cramps at the moment.

Everything else hurts though. I think even my hair hurts. My hamstrings feel like they've been pulled and snapped (like a rubber band), my abs feel like I've had the worst hangover/stomach flu ever, my biceps are screaming and my quads are crying.

I am going to need a nap today. My darling munchkins better comply with that need.

CL is going on his first sleepover ever tonight! I'm excited for a quiet evening! Now I don't have to worry about CL and B messing around for 2 hours after I send them to bed. B and little R can go to bed at a decent time, which means Mama and Daddy might actually get to spend some time together that's not unconscious time. Yay! Maybe we'll cuddle in bed and watch a movie.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 13 - beginning of Week 3

O.M.G. Today was my first day of Burn it Up! the most advanced level of the Slim in 6 series. I think I want my mommy! And a vicodin. And a margarita. And a private masseuse named Sven to make me feel better.

By 15 minutes in, I was cussing out Debbie Siebers (the "personal" trainer in the series) You know it's bad if you can't even go 20 minutes before getting cranky.

My poor kiddos. I sure hope they decide to take it easy on me today, or they're going to have one cranky mama on their hands! Do you think I can convince them to do the laundry today?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Rest of week 2

Sorry I haven't been checking in daily, it's been a busy week. DH has been out of town and my adorable little monsters have been giving me a run for my money!

Week 2 - Ramp it Up!

Ramp it Up! is much harder than Start it Up! for sure! The leg lift portion is killer. I swear I get a butt cramp every time. I am happy to report that I am getting stronger though. Also, I am losing pounds and inches. I have lost 9lbs so far, 4 inches off my waist, and 1 inch off my hips! Hooray! I have my size 10 jeans in the closet, that I am going to try on for size tomorrow. I'm pretty excited! I am starting to get some shoulder definition, and I have triceps! I'm glad my waist is narrowing down, and I am really hoping my love handles (I don't know why they're called that, I certainly don't love them) will start shrinking soon.

So far I think the Slim in 6 program is everything it is advertised to be. 2 weeks down and 4 more to go! I have heard from other people who have used the program, the weight loss and inches lost doesn't really take off until week 4, so if I am already having this much success, then I can only imagine what is in store for my body.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 8

I'll have to say Day 8 was my worst day yet. I worked out at the lowest intensity possible. I'm just so tired today. We had a crazy night last night.

It started with DH and I taking CL to the barn. He helped do barn chores and and put CL to bed I did Slim and Limber and Slim and 6 pack. When DH and I were just about to doze off for the night, hail started pounding the house. B started screaming at the same time.

He wasn't afraid of the hail, but thought there was a monster or ghost in his room. He told me something shook his bed. I spent the next 25 mins convincing him that Mama doesn't let ghosts or monsters in the house.

I didn't get to bed until sometime after midnight last night, so I think 5:45 came way to early this morning. I am going to do Slim and Limber sometime this evening, and call the day done.

I'll workout with more intensity tomorrow, and make sure to get a good night's sleep tonight.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 6 and 7

Day 6 went well. It was my last day of Start it Up! and I was happy to be done with it. I was able to get through the whole thing except fot the lunges. I have a bad knee from a riding accident forever ago, so lunges and I don't really mix. I always try to get them done, but mostly I end up hurting myself. I also did Slim and Limber, which is the stretching video. Let me tell you, stretching and then going to bed for the night feels almost as good as sex! LOL

Day 7. What can I say about day 7? Myarms hurt, my legs hurt, my sides hurt, and I'm drenched in sweat. Today was my first day of Ramp it Up! the second video in the series. I am supposed to do this for 5 more days. Right now, I'm not sure how I'm going to carry Ry up the stairs, much less do this 5 more times. I'm definately feeling the burn this morning. Today is laundry day - do you think I can get the kids to do their own laundry?! I hope for a peaceful, easy day. Wish me luck...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 5

WooHoo! I'm almost done with the first week! I am starting to feel stronger, and my posture is already starting to improve.

Last night, I went and bought a bike from Wally-world, so I could ride with CL. We had fun riding up and down the street last night. I figured it was just one more thing to add to my fitness routine.

Tomorrow, I will climb on the scale again, to see my weightloss for the week. I am done with the 6 day express diet tomorrow, and I want to see how much it helped (or didn't.)

Happy Friday!